import machine import dht import socket import network import time d = dht.DHT22(machine.Pin(5)) html = """ ESP8266

ESP8266 - température et humidité

{} """ ap = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF) # create access-point interface # activate the interface ap.config(essid='ESP8266',password='12345678') # set the ESSID of the access point addr1 = socket.getaddrinfo('', 80)[0][-1] s = socket.socket() s.bind(addr1) s.listen(1) print('listening on', addr1) while True: cl, addr2 = s.accept() print('client connected from', addr2) cl_file = cl.makefile('rwb', 0) while True: line = cl_file.readline() if not line or line == b'\r\n': break d.measure() time.sleep(1) contenu = "

température : {} °C
humidité : {} %

".format(d.temperature(), d.humidity()) response = html.format(contenu) cl.send(response) cl.close()